

Fahrzeuge hardwarefrei verfolgen

Mit Smartcar ist die Ortung eines Autos so einfach wie eine einzige API-Anfrage.


Ruft den letzten bekannten Standort eines Fahrzeugs anhand geografischer Koordinaten ab.

const smartcar = require('smartcar');

// Get all vehicles associated with this access token
const {vehicles} = await smartcar.getVehicles("<access-token>");

// Construct a new vehicle instance using the first vehicle's id
const vehicle = new smartcar.Vehicle(vehicles[0], "<access-token>");

// Fetch the vehicle's location
const location = await vehicle.location();
// Example http response from Smartcar
  "latitude": 37.4292,
  "longitude": 122.1381

import smartcar

# Get all vehicles associated with this access token
response = smartcar.get_vehicles("<access-token>")

# Construct a new vehicle instance using the first vehicle's id
vehicle = smartcar.Vehicle(response.vehicles[0], "<access-token>")

# Fetch the vehicle's location
location = vehicle.location()
// Example http response from Smartcar
  "latitude": 37.4292,
  "longitude": 122.1381

import com.smartcar.sdk.*;

// Get all vehicles associated with this access token
VehicleIds response = Smartcar.getVehicles("<access-token>");
String[] vehicleIds = response.getVehicleIds();

// Construct a new vehicle instance using the first vehicle's id
Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle(vehicleIds[0], "<access-token>");

// Fetch the vehicle's location
VehicleLocation location = vehicle.location();
// Example http response from Smartcar
  "latitude": 37.4292,
  "longitude": 122.1381

import (
  smartcar "github.com/smartcar/go-sdk"

// Create a smartcar client
var smartcarClient = smartcar.NewClient();

// Get all vehicles associated with this access token
var vehicleIDs, resErr = smartcarClient.GetVehicleIDs(
  &smartcar.VehicleIDsParams{Access: "<access-token>"},

// Construct a new vehicle instance using the first vehicle's id
var vehicle = smartcarClient.NewVehicle(&smartcar.VehicleParams{
  ID: vehicleIDs.VehicleIDs[0],
  AccessToken: "<access-token>"},

// Fetch the vehicle's location
var fuel, resErr = vehicle.GetLocation(context.TODO());
// Example http response from Smartcar
  "latitude": 37.4292,
  "longitude": 122.1381

require 'smartcar'

# Get all vehicles associated with this access token
all_vehicles =  Smartcar.get_vehicles(token: token)

# Construct a new vehicle instance using the first vehicle's id
vehicle = Smartcar::Vehicle.new(
  token: "<access-token>",
  id: all_vehicles.vehicles.first

# Fetch the vehicle's location
location = vehicle.location()
// Example http response from Smartcar
  "latitude": 37.4292,
  "longitude": 122.1381

Sehen Sie sich die API-Dokumente an

Eigenschaften des Produkts

  • Compatible with 36 car brands

    kompatibel mit 39 Automarken

  • Friendly user consent flow

    Benutzerfreundlicher Zustimmungsfluss

  • Works on 2015 and newer vehicles

    Funktioniert mit Fahrzeugen von 2015 und neueren

  • Trusted & secure

    Vertrauenswürdig und sicher

  • Retrieve live data and trigger actions

    Zugriff auf echte Telematikdaten

  • SDKs for Go, Java, Node.js, Python, and Ruby

    SDKs für Go, Java, Node.js, Python und Ruby

Learn more about Smartcar's APIs

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